WRAP AROUND CARE: NEW FOR SEPTEMBER 2023, Breakfast Club (see Our School section for further details). FULL WRAP AROUND CARE COMING SOON.

Term 6 - Class 6

Welcome back to term 6! 
It's a busy term coming up I'm excited to welcome you back to your final term at St. Mary's. 

Our topic this term is focused on the book Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo as the book is about a journey. From this we will be looking at the transition to secondary school and moving on to new challenges. In English, we will be using Kensuke’s Kingdom to inspire our writing as well as a focus on reading and write play scripts, linking to our end of year performance of The Wind in the Willows! We will also be thinking about the legacy which we will leave behind as we move on to our new schools, thinking about our time at St. Mary’s and will be writing a guide to the school for new starters.  

In maths we will be moving on to recapping on skills and key areas which will help us when we move on to secondary, as well as some maths investigations and challenges.


In science we will be learning about living things and their habitats – looking at microorganisms and classification of all living things.


In RE we will be learning about Humanism and answering the enquiry question: How do inspirational people impact on how Humanists live today? This will help to develop the pupils’ understanding of other world faiths and their part in society.


In geography we will be developing our map skills and focusing on a country study of Japan – learning about the physical and human geography and comparing life here to there.


In PSHE, we will be looking at the topic ‘Changing Me’ and addressing the subject of sex and relationships. This is a statutory part of the curriculum and is an important part of understanding the changes which happen as we grow up. If you have any concerns, please feel free to contact me.


In art we will be looking at the artist Hokusai and learning the process of print making to build up pieces of artwork.  


In PE we will be focusing on rounders and athletics with Mr Pile on Tuesdays, our usual PE day, and gymnastics on Fridays at Writhlington Sports Centre.


In French we will be learning vocabulary relating to 'Me and My World' and continuing to focus on our speaking and listening skills, as well as developing our written French.

In music we will be continuing our ukulele sessions and learning to play different chords and read music. We will be learning songs and preparing for a concert – details to come soon!