WRAP AROUND CARE: NEW FOR SEPTEMBER 2023, Breakfast Club (see Our School section for further details). FULL WRAP AROUND CARE COMING SOON.

Term 3 - Class 3

The Chronicles of Narnia, the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Movie Review  for Parents
Happy New Year!

I hope you all had a wonderful rest over Christmas break and enjoyed time with your loved ones. As always, Term Three is a busy one in Class 3, as we start off the year 2023 with plenty of learning. We are looking forward to it! 
Spring Term 1 - KIRF 
'I can recall all the multiplication and division facts for the 4 times tables.'
Our Learning

Our topic this term is book term. Alongside this in Geography we will be focusing on our mapping skills, by understanding sketch maps and working towards completing our own sketch map of Ammerdown.

In English, we will be learning all about portal stories and being inspired to write our own from the story ‘Elf Road.’ We will also be focusing on the story, The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. We will be writing setting and character descriptions inspired by this story.


In Maths we will be following White Rose and will continue to develop our understanding in multiplication and division. Later developing our understanding of length and perimeter.


In Science we will be focusing on light. We will be learning about the need for light, how it is reflected from surfaces and recognise how shadows occur.


In RE we will be answering the question ‘What does it mean to belong to Islam?’ We will spend time identifying the key beliefs of Islam and understand the celebrations of this religion.


In French we will be developing our understanding of instruments. We will be able to recognise up to 10 instruments and be able to say ‘I play’.


In Art we will be learning about the famous artist Pablo Picasso. We will be learning about who this artist is, what was his work like and learn how to paint in the style of Picasso.


In PE we will be doing Tag Rugby, we will be focusing on team building, perseverance and dodging and passing.

Useful information:

P.E. this term will take place on Tuesday. Please ensure children come into school wearing P.E. kit on this day. These sessions may take place outside so please ensure that children have something warm to wear.

The children have a termly overview of the homework they are required to complete stuck in their books. Please ensure they learn the correct spellings for the week and complete at least one homework task from the termly overview. Homework will continue to be collected in on a Friday and should be handed in their orange homework books.

Please ensure that children are bringing their reading record in with them every day and that they are reading five times a week. These are checked weekly.

As we are approaching the winter months, please ensure that your child brings a coat with them every day. This will allow us to enjoy time outside even when the weather is against us.