WRAP AROUND CARE: NEW FOR SEPTEMBER 2023, Breakfast Club (see Our School section for further details). FULL WRAP AROUND CARE COMING SOON.


St Mary's Church of England Primary School and Nursery is an academy school and a member of The Partnership Trust. The structure of governance for The Partnership Trust is set out in our Governance Plan.
Ultimate responsibility for the Trust and schools within it rests with the Board of Trustees who provide strategic oversight, ensure the Trust meets it legal obligations and hold to account the Trust’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO).  The Trust’s CEO is responsible for leading the Trust’s development and growth, its policies and its school improvement strategy and is supported by an executive team. The CEO is the accounting officer for the Trust.


Some of the work of the Board of Trustees is delegated to each school’s Local Governing Body (LGB), who are sub committees of the Board of Trustees and who challenge and support the Headteacher holding them to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, monitor the implementation of the School Development Plan, ensure that the school’s money is well spent and that the school is safe and welcoming.  Full details of that delegation can be found in the Scheme of Delegation.

Further information about governance and The Partnership Trust, including The Governance Plan, Scheme of Delegation, Composition of the Board, Register of Business Interests can be found on the website: 
For further information regarding the financial management of The Partnership Trust:
Mrs Sarah Gilliam

Chair of Governors

Sarah has been on the governing board since November 2017 where she was elected as a parent governor. She became Vice Chair in September 2019 and Chair in September 2020. Sarah currently has two children at St Mary’s so enjoys being a parent at the school and also a strategic part of the school, as governor. Sarah divides her time between her governor duties, family life and graphic design work plus has a real passion for music, arts, crafts and cooking and loves to develop her knowledge whenever she can.
Sarah's areas of responsibility are: Pupil Premium, R.E. and SIAMS, Website

St Mary's C of E Primary, Old Road, Writhlington, Radstock, Somerset, BA3 3NG.

Mrs Sarah Whittaker

Vice Chair of Governors

Sarah has two children at St Mary’s and became a parent governor in May 2021. She is keen to apply her professional skills to help ensure the school environment provides the best opportunities possible for all children at St Mary’s to thrive. Sarah divides her time between family life, work as a civil servant and her governor duties. Sarah also enjoys being outdoors, which usually involves dog walks, playing hockey or working in the garden to encourage wildlife.
Sarah's areas of responsibilities are Safeguarding

Anne Porter

Anne joined the governing board in September 2023 and as a retired Special School teacher has a particular interest in ensuring that all children achieve their potential. She is a keen gardener and runner and spends time doing other sports related activities including long walks with her collie dog. Anne has two grandchildren at St Mary’s and can usually be found at the cake stall on any ‘event’ days!
Anne's areas of responsibility are SEND, Sports Premium

Jackie Horton

Jackie joined the governing board in September 2023 as a Community Governor having recently retired from many years working in the travel industry. She has lived in Writhlington for over twenty years and currently has two grandchildren at St Mary’s. As well as her role as a Governor, Jackie enjoys spending time with her family, needlecrafts and visiting new places both locally and further afield.
Jackie's area of responsibility is Pupil Premium

Pamela Young

Pam was introduced to the school through her participation with the South West In Bloom Art Competition. When asked if she would like to become a School Governor and after careful consideration, she accepted. Pam has worked in Radstock for 36 years and when she retired 4 years ago she likes to spend her leisure time gardening in the summer and knitting and reading in the winter.
Pam's area of responsibility is Health & Safety

Frances Prior-Reeves

Clerk to Governors