WRAP AROUND CARE: NEW FOR SEPTEMBER 2023, Breakfast Club (see Our School section for further details). FULL WRAP AROUND CARE COMING SOON.

Term 1 - Class 5

 Horrible Histories Vicious Vikings Pdf Viewer
In Class 5 we always try our best and look after others. We love celebrating successes and achieving new things. We understand that, to learn new things and develop new skills, we have to work really hard!
We enjoy learning about a variety of different topics and every term kicks off with an inspiring starter.


Our topics this year are:
Vicious Vikings;
Amazing Americas;
Off With Their Heads! (Crime and punishment);
Marvelous Mountains and Raging Rivers;
Slave Trade.


Our topic this term is ‘Vicious Vikings’. We will be learning about the history of The Vikings as they invade and Anglo-Saxon Britain and the events that lead up to a unified Britain in 1066.  We will be continuing to develop a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of British history.


The Vicious Vikings theme will continue through Literacy, beginning with the story ‘Beowulf’ by Michael Morpurgo. They will be writing their own Myth or Legend based on the pattern and setting of the story they have learnt.

We shall also be looking information texts and creating our using all the information they have learnt about the Vikings.


In computing we will be expanding our knowledge of Online safety before we dive deeper into coding and computer science. Our goal this term is to code our own computer "catching" games. 


In Art we will be looking at how we can improve our local environment through sculpture. We will be exploring the work of a range of sculptures as well as taking inspiration from nature around us. 


Our unit in Science is ‘Properties and changes of matter’. This will involve investigating and sorting objects by their properties as well as looking at reversible and irreversible changes.


In R.E we will be exploring what different religions believe about life, specifically comparing Christian beliefs with Buddhist beliefs. 


In French we will be expanding our phonetical understanding and developing our ability to ask a range of questions as well as gaining vocabulary surrounding vegetables. 


In Music this term we will be exploring and appreciating a range of rock music. Our particular focus is on the song "Livin' on a prayer" by Bon Jovi.


We will be reflecting on "being me in my world" learning all about the children's individual rights and what that means in the context of them as the individual, them within their family's, them within school and then a wider world context. 


In PE the children will be doing Cricket. We will also as a whole school be doing the golden mile 3 times a week.