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Curriculum Delivery

Curriculum Delivery

Each term, children in Years 1 - 6 undertake a new topic. These are predominantly History or Geography based. Across the following subjects, links are made where these support pupils’ understanding and application of new learning: Art and Design, Design and Technology, Geography and History and Writing. Remaining subjects (Computing; Reading; Languages (French); Maths; Music; Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (including Relationships, Health and Sex Education); Physical Education, Religious Education and Science are in the main, taught discretely but are related to our topics where links occur. For example, core learning in Maths might be applied to a Science lesson that involves collecting data.


Teachers begin each lesson by checking and identifying what the children already know. Links are made to previous learning. This helps children to connect with new learning and teachers to ascertain the starting points for their teaching.


Schemes of Learning have been planned as a series of steps. This allows children to practise applying new knowledge and skills in a given subject. We ensure that the relevant objectives from the National Curriculum are covered and each child's progress is assessed against these objectives. Lessons also ensure that children understand the different social, moral and cultural contexts that exist, both within their direct experience and also in the wider world.


Children are then given the opportunity to put their skills and knowledge into practice. Throughout their learning children are encouraged to make mistakes, ask questions and use a range of resources to find out what they want to know. Teachers explicitly teach and model for the children. Learning is designed to challenge, motivate and build on knowledge and skills.


Throughout all teaching, children are encouraged to discuss their learning. There is a vocabulary focus within each subject area that supports children to communicate effectively about their learning.


Children’s learning is made visible in many ways. They record their learning experiences in displays, in floor books, in written form i.e. in letters, stories, instructions and in individual subject books. These help to ‘tell the story’ of children’s learning, remind them of the important facts and vocabulary, and help them to remember the learning. 


We enrich our curriculum and bring it to life through real experiences such as trips and visitors, which are essential part of the St Mary's Primary School curriculum. Firstly, we take advantage of our local area and capitalise on the fact that Writhlington is close to Bath and this offers a wealth of opportunities in geography, history and the arts. Secondly, we relate the learning to real life situations where we can. Our use of visitors, provides positive role models and opens doors to worlds that children have not yet had an opportunity to experience. Visits and visitors also raise awareness of future opportunities and nurture children’s expectations.


The outdoor environment is considered an opportunity for active learning for all pupils and is promoted and planned for. The school grounds enrich different curriculum areas and outdoor learning. 


Our strategy for the successful implementation of our intended curriculum is to create a culture where collaboration and professional dialogue between subject leaders delivers a curriculum that builds on prior learning, deepens knowledge and enhances skills that foster learning and achievement. We engage in a constant cycle of review and evaluation to ensure that our curriculum is informed by self-evaluation, research, and the latest educational thinking.