WRAP AROUND CARE: NEW FOR SEPTEMBER 2023, Breakfast Club (see Our School section for further details). FULL WRAP AROUND CARE COMING SOON.

Term 4 - Class 3

The Rotten Romans
Write a Sketch for Horrible Histories - CLOSED - CBBC - BBC
What a fantastic start to the term it has been. The children have been working very hard and have settled back in to school with ease - a huge well done!
Our Learning
The topic for Term One is The Romans. We will be learning about the history of the Roman Empire and exploring what life would have been like for Roman people. We will learn about the Roman army, architecture and housing. While exploring similarities between Roman life and our lives today, the children will continue to develop their historical knowledge through a variety of fun and interactive activities.

We will be exploring Talk 4 Writing within our Literacy work, looking at retelling the story of Little Red Riding Hood. I'm sure the children will tell you ALL about it! We will also be looking at the poem 'In the Cave of Curiosity' and create our own.

This term in Maths children will focus on strengthening mathematical concepts, this will involve Fractions and Mass and Capacity.

In Science, the children will be looking at all things Forces. Any experiments you could do at home relating to this would be fantastic - make sure to take a photo and send it to us! 


In Year 3 there is an expectation that children are reading 5 times a week. In order to keep track of this, reading records will be looked at in school every week. Therefore, please ensure that reading records are signed and brought into school on a daily basis. This is important as we have a reading reward system where children are recognised for their efforts in reading at home and we would love for every child in the class to be able to reap the rewards.

Listening to children read is generally carried out through Guided Reading sessions. However, we will endeavour to make sure that children are listened to individually as often as possible and as appropriate to each child’s needs.

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Children will have homework every week which can be found in their homework books. Please ensure that your child completes their homework in order to consolidate and support their learning. Children will also have spellings and times tables to learn which they will be tested on. Homework will be sent home on a Friday, with the expectation that it is completed and returned to school the following Friday. Spellings and times tables will also be tested on a Friday.