Reading has a high profile at St Mary’s Primary School and Nursery. It is the key to effective learning. Children are encouraged to appreciate books, to read independently, to make good progress and to take immense pleasure in reading.
Our reading curriculum aims to:
- Develop and nurture an enjoyment and desire for reading.
- High quality, language rich books are used as a stimulus for reading (and writing) lessons.
- Stories are routinely read to children by a variety of adults in different contexts.
- Children are exposed to a wide range of stimulating text types in their class and school library.
- Pupils are given opportunities to apply their reading skills to real life contexts across the curriculum such as through diagrams, instructions, fact files and non-fiction texts.
- Develop independent and reflective readers who can read fluently for meaning.
- There is a focus on pupils’ fluency and reading stamina so children are able to read and comprehend challenging texts for longer periods of time.
- Little Wandle is used as a highly systematic phonics first and fast approach to the teaching of early reading, ensuring children learn to decode accurately and with automaticity so that they can concentrate on drawing meaning form the texts they read.
- There is explicit and progressive teaching of comprehension skills that enable children to access, understand and interpret what they read.
- Develop children who are language rich.
- Teachers ensure there are rich opportunities for purposeful book talk during reading lessons.
- Across the curriculum, children are systematically supported to build a wide and varied vocabulary.