WRAP AROUND CARE: NEW FOR SEPTEMBER 2023, Breakfast Club (see Our School section for further details). FULL WRAP AROUND CARE COMING SOON.

Term 3 - Class 2

This term will be travelling through time in our topic...
We will be learning all about how transport has changed throughout History, diving deeper into the impact that the development of trains and boats have had. We will be learning all about the engineer Brunel and how he significantly impacted our local area.....

In English, we will be looking at tradition tales and doing some writing inspired by Jack and the Beanstalk. Then we will be looking at creating a non-chronological report about transport and Brunel.


In Maths we are going to be learning about money and multiplication and division.


In Science we will be learning about properties of materials and their uses.


In RE we will be trying to answer the question “What do Christians believe God is like?”

Our Computing sessions this term will be looking at other ways Data can be collected and finding different ways of showing data on a computer.


In DT we will be finishing our animal structures.


We will be considering Dreams and Goals through PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education).


In Music we will be learning a song called “I Wanna Play in a Band” through our music scheme.


In PE we will be doing a dance inspired by a piece called the secret garden.

Our learning
You can find out more about what we are learning this term in Class 2 in our Newsletter and Subject Knowledge Organisers below: