WRAP AROUND CARE: NEW FOR SEPTEMBER 2023, Breakfast Club (see Our School section for further details). FULL WRAP AROUND CARE COMING SOON.

Term 4 - Class 4

Ancient Egyptian's
 Welcome to the start of the new term- It is great to see all the children back to school! We have some great topics this term.

This term the children are going to have an exciting, fun and exhilarating experience where themes are explored from Ancient Egypt to printing hieroglyphs. 

Science! Learning in science will present us with some very exciting opportunities over this term. Children will be involved in investigating the characteristics of solids and liquids and children will be challenged to separate them and identify their reversible and irreversible changes.

Art is going to involve exploring different types of Egyptian printing. 

In History developing research and investigative skills will be essential in this term. This will include looking at Ancient Egyptian artefacts, researching the importance of the River Nile, the Rosetta Stone and the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb.

In PE we will be looking at the skills to play tag Rugby. Bath Rugby foundation will be in on a Monday running sessions. 

Class 4!

Please take a look at the information below


 Read for 10-15 minutes per day with an adult.


 Spend 20 minutes on Times Table Rock Stars/hit the button.



Our times tables this term are our 4x and 8x