WRAP AROUND CARE: NEW FOR SEPTEMBER 2023, Breakfast Club (see Our School section for further details). FULL WRAP AROUND CARE COMING SOON.

Term 2 - Class 6

Our topic this term is ‘Exploring Scandinavia’ We will be learning all about Scandinavia and the three countries; Denmark, Norway and Sweden, as well as tasting some traditional foods.  


In English, we will be learning about persuasive texts and writing our own based on the Talk 4 Writing text, ‘Don’t go out after dark’. We will also be writing information texts about dragons.


In maths we will be continuing with our topic of division, this term focusing on long division. Then we will be moving on to looking at fractions and converting units.


In music we will be listening to and appraising music, as well as practising carols for a Christmas concert.


In ICT we will be using the computer program Purple Mash to learn about Spreadsheets – retrieving information and creating our own.


In French we will be continuing to focus on our pronunciation and regular verbs.


In design technology, we will be learning to sew to create a fabric purse/phone case in preparation for Christmas and the school Christmas Fayre.


We will be learning about Evolution and Inheritance in Science. This will involve planning investigations, taking measurements and recording data and using scientific evidence to support ideas.


In RE we be answering our enquiry question: ‘Was Jesus the Messiah?’’ The children will be continuing to develop respect and inquisitiveness through their continuing enquiry and exploration in RE. Our school value this term is compassion and we will be discussing this a lot in our worships. I have been really impressed with how well the class have been demonstrating our school values.