WRAP AROUND CARE: NEW FOR SEPTEMBER 2023, Breakfast Club (see Our School section for further details). FULL WRAP AROUND CARE COMING SOON.

Term 5 - Class 3

The Anglo-Saxons Printables for Primary School - SparkleBox
I hope you have all had a restful half term after our fantastic Term 4. The children worked so hard and produced some fantastic pieces of learning, a huge well done to them all. 
This term we are travelling back to the 5th century to learn all things Anglo-Saxons. We are going to have so much fun! 
Our Learning
Our topic this term is the Anglo-Saxons. We have already got stuck into this topic by learning all about who and where did the they come from. We will continue our learning on the Anglo-Saxons by looking at what life was like in a typical Anglo-Saxon village and what different placenames tell us about locations.

In Maths, we will start the term by finishing fractions and learning about money and time.

In Design and Technology, we will be looking at healthy eating. We will also be looking to create our own healthy spaghetti bolognese. We can't wait! 

Our topic for Science this term is 'Ready Steady Grow!' We will be learning about the effects of water on plant growth, know and understand parts of the flowering plant and develop knowledge of what pollination and fertilisation are.

Useful information:

P.E. this term will take place on Thursday. Please ensure children come into school wearing P.E. kit on this day. These sessions may take place outside so please ensure that children have appropriate clothing e.g. suncream, sun hat, or coats.

A termly overview of the homework they children are required to complete has stuck in their orange homework books. Please ensure they learn the correct spellings for the week and complete at least one homework task from the termly overview. Homework will continue to be collected in on a Friday.

Please ensure that children are bringing their reading record in with them every day and that they are reading five times a week. These are checked weekly.