WRAP AROUND CARE: NEW FOR SEPTEMBER 2023, Breakfast Club (see Our School section for further details). FULL WRAP AROUND CARE COMING SOON.

Term 5 - Class 6

We hope you had a wonderful rest over Easter! 


This term we will be developing our writing skills to publish our best pieces of writing as well as looking at a unit of journalism and discussion. We will also be continuing with comprehension of texts and learning different spelling patterns, punctuation and grammar in revision for SATs.

Our class text this term will be ‘Skellig’ by David Almond, which is a story about friendship, hope
and the power of kindness.

In Science, we will be continuing with our unit on electricity and applying our knowledge of circuits
and components to practical solutions.   

In Maths, we will be learning about mean, median and mode and revising key topics in preparation for SATs in May. 


In Geography, we will be learning about ‘World Trade and Economics’ and finding out how far bananas travel to reach the UK.


In ICT we will be learning about how we can create quizzes online for our peers to answers and collate the results. This will be through the software program of Purple Mash.


In RE, we will thinking about what it means to belong to religion – focussing on the religion of Islam.  The children will be continuing to develop respect and inquisitiveness of other faiths and traditions.

Our school value this term is generosity and service and we will be discussing this in whole school and key stage worships.


In PE, our unit will be athletics with Mr Pile on a Tuesday. In athletics we will be developing our skills in running, jumping, throwing, catching as well as developing flexibility, balance, strength and control.


In French, we will be learning vocabulary linked to the topic of, ‘Planets’ as well as developing our pronunciation of key words.    


In DT, we will be continuing with our unit on designing mechanical systems, pulleys and gears. We will be making buggies for our buddies.