WRAP AROUND CARE: NEW FOR SEPTEMBER 2023, Breakfast Club (see Our School section for further details). FULL WRAP AROUND CARE COMING SOON.

Term 6 - Class 5

Our topic this term is the “Slave Trade

In History we will be looking at the slave trade and exploring Bristol’s significance in this. Children will have plenty of opportunities to have rich discussions around the topic.

In English, we will be looking at biographies and learning how to write a biography of a famous person. We will be ending the year looking at Shakespeare and reading his play The Tempest. We will then have a go at writing our own plays!


In Maths, we will be first looking at decimals, negative numbers and then moving onto measurement where we will explore converting units and understanding volume.


In Science, we will learn about animals including humans. Children will be able to describe the stages in human development and will understand how the body changes during puberty.


In RE, we will be exploring the question “What does it mean (for Christians) if God is holy and loving?” We will make connections between Bible texts studied and what Christians believe about God; for example, through how churches are designed. We will also look at how biblical ideas and teachings about God as holy and loving might make a difference in the world today, developing insights of their own. 


In History, we'll explore the slave trade, focusing on Bristol's significant role. Children will engage in rich discussions, examining the historical context, impact, and lasting effects of the trade on the city and its people.


In PSHE, we'll focus on SRE (Sexual and Relationship Education). In our Jigsaw piece ‘Changing Me’, we’ll cover puberty changes, coping with growth, self-care, and conception. If you have any queries or concerns, please email or arrange a meeting to discuss this further.


In French, we will be learning the terms for different types of clothes and will be able to use key phrases needed when buying pieces of clothing.


In DT, we'll explore cam mechanisms and learn to use saws safely. By the end of the unit, students will have crafted fully functional cam toys, gaining hands-on experience.


In PE, we will have Athletics on a Friday afternoon. We will also be spending time rehearsing dances for the Year 6 performance at the end of the year.


In ICT, we’ll use Purple Mash to learn word processing skills, enhancing our ability to create and edit documents efficiently.

Each week your child will be set a piece of Maths and English homework on a Friday to bring in the following Wednesday. Children will also receive a project piece of homework to work on over the term and hand in on the last week of term. More details will be provided with the newsletter.


Spellings will be sent home with homework on a Friday, and will be tested the following Friday. Children will have an opportunity to review spellings throughout the week. Please ensure they are practising these at home too.