WRAP AROUND CARE: NEW FOR SEPTEMBER 2023, Breakfast Club (see Our School section for further details). FULL WRAP AROUND CARE COMING SOON.

Term 2 - Class 2

Childhood Then and Now
 This term the children will be learning all about Toys. What toys are like now and comparing them with toys from the Past. They will reflect on what they are made of and why there have been changes to what toys are made of. 

Our topic this term is Childhood then and now, which is a history based topic. The children will be exploring different aspects each week of childhood in the past from toys, home life and schooling.


In English, we will be starting off with instructional writing and looking at recipes. We will be using the book “The Disgusting Sandwich” to inspire their writing. Before moving on to Classic poems.


In Maths we are going to be continuing to develop our addition and subtraction skills next term before we move onto shape just before Christmas.


In Science we will be learning about Animals including humans.


In RE we will be trying to answer the question “Why does Christmas matter to Christains?”


Our Computing sessions this term will cover the basics of spreadsheets and start looking at what different things they can be used for.


In DT we will be looking at reinforcing structures. We will then use this knowledge to design the best home having looked at how homes have changed over time in topic.


We will be considering Celebrating Difference through PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education).


In Music we will be learning a song called “HO HO HO” through our music scheme. Along side this we will be practicing the songs for our Nativity and be developing our vocal performance skills.


In PE we will be doing Gymnastics over at Wrightington this term.



Our KIRF for this term is:
I know multiplication and division facts for the 2 times table
Have a look at the knowledge organiser for some tips on how you can help your child at home.
Nativity 2023
This years Nativity is "Jesus' Christmas Party!" 
Rehearsals will be commencing soon!