WRAP AROUND CARE: NEW FOR SEPTEMBER 2023, Breakfast Club (see Our School section for further details). FULL WRAP AROUND CARE COMING SOON.

Term 5 - Class 4

Let's Go To India
This term Class 4 will be exploring and learning all about India 
Throughout the term we will be exploring the following: 
Where is India
Famous landmarks in India 
Comparing and contrasting an Indian city with a UK city 
My school your school
Life in India
In Maths, we will continue to work on decimals and then will move onto money and time.
In English, we will be trying to persuade people to visit India through persuasive writing. Alongside this, we will be building upon our grammar and punctuation knowledge. 
In Science we will be learning about living things and their habitats. We will be able to explore groups of living organisms and be able to identify them within a food chain. 
In Art, we will be looking at Rangoli Patterns and creating our own pieces. We shall also be undertaking various printing methods and using these to create our own colourful Rangoli inspired lanterns. 
We will also be going swimming every Wednesday afternoon this term!
This terms we will be focusing on our 8x and 11x tables. 
Please ensure your child is practicing their times tables on Times Table Rock Stars and Hit the Button.