WRAP AROUND CARE: NEW FOR SEPTEMBER 2023, Breakfast Club (see Our School section for further details). Coming September 2024 - AFTERSCHOOL CARE.

Term 3

This term we have had an amazing (and truly scrumptious) time through our topic...
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!
We have enjoyed reading the world famous book by Roald Dahl and finding out what happens to Charlie and all the other wonderful characters in the story.
Read on to find out what else we have discovered about chocolate.....

Our topic began with a delivery from Willy Wonka! He had placed 5 golden tickets inside some very special chocolate bars for the class. Whoever found a golden ticket was given the job of creating a special treat for the class later that day. We were so excited!

We then found out that chocolate comes from cocoa beans, which were first used thousands of years ago. The children got to make and taste hot chocolate, using raw cacao powder, just like the Ancient Maya of Mexico and Central America did over 2500 years ago! 

Through Design and Technology we have also had the opportunity to design and create our own chocolate bar and packaging, especially for Willy Wonka! We began by tasting and evaluating a variety of chocolate and the possible ingredients that could go inside a chocolate bar. We then looked at a different types of chocolate bar packaging. Using our investigations we designed and made our chocolate bars and packaging, choosing a special name and a magical power too! Who wouldn't love to taste a chocolate bar that 'tastes like snowflakes in your mouth'?!

In Geography we have learnt that cocoa beans are grown in countries near to the equator, like Ghana, Brazil and Indonesia. We have explored what it's like to be a cocoa farmer and found out how the cocoa bean gets to become a chocolate bar that we buy in our shops.