WRAP AROUND CARE: NEW FOR SEPTEMBER 2023, Breakfast Club (see Our School section for further details). Coming September 2024 - AFTERSCHOOL CARE.

Term 1

Sensational Safari

Our topic this term is ‘Sensational Safari’. We will be learning about the geography of Kenya through focusing on the main human and physical features of the country. We will also learn about the key geographical features of the country including Kenyan wildlife, landscapes and culture. While exploring the similarities and differences between Kenya and the UK, the children will continue to develop their geographical skills through a variety of fun and interactive activities.

Our visit to Bristol Zoo
As part of this term’s topic ‘Sensational Safari’, we went on an exciting educational visit to Bristol Zoo.

The visit included an ‘African Adventure’ educational session. During this session we went ‘on safari’ to the African Savannah,  through which we heard the calls of the animals outside! The children had the opportunity to discover the features of the African grasslands habitat, including the weather and locations, exploring how animals are suited to the grasslands habitat. We also found out about tourism, souvenirs and protecting the Savannah environment.

Following our adventure we enjoyed visiting all the other amazing animals in the zoo.

Have a look at our photos......